Subject Verb Agreement Exercises Fill in the Blanks

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental grammatical rule in the English language. It ensures that the subject and the verb in a sentence agree in number and person. This means that if the subject is singular, the verb should be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb should be plural.

Subject-verb agreement exercises help learners to sharpen their skills in recognizing and using correct subject-verb agreement in their writing. These exercises are designed to provide learners with ample practice opportunities to master this key grammatical rule. In this article, we’ll explore how subject-verb agreement exercises fill in the blanks can help learners improve their language skills.

Fill in the blank exercises are one of the most effective ways to practice subject-verb agreement. They require learners to identify the correct verb form that agrees with the subject of a sentence. This exercise format can be structured in several ways, such as multiple-choice questions, sentence rewrites, and sentence completion.

Multiple-choice questions ask learners to choose the correct verb form that matches the subject of a sentence. For example, “The cat and the dog (is/are) playing in the yard.” The learners must choose the verb form “are” because the subject “the cat and the dog” is plural.

Sentence rewrites are another effective way to practice subject-verb agreement. In this form of exercise, learners are required to correct the sentence by rewriting it with the correct subject-verb agreement. For example, “The students was excited about the field trip” can be corrected by rewriting as “The students were excited about the field trip.”

Sentence completion exercises require learners to fill in the blank with the correct verb form that agrees with the subject of the sentence. For example, “Each of the students _____ their homework on time.” The learners must fill in the blank with the verb “completed” because “each” is a singular subject.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement exercises fill in the blanks can help learners improve their language skills by providing ample practice opportunities to master this key grammatical rule. These exercises can be structured in different formats, such as multiple-choice questions, sentence rewrites, and sentence completion. By mastering this grammatical rule, learners will be able to write grammatically correct sentences that effectively communicate their message.

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